每天 30 词

词根 意思 造词
syn 同时
chron 时间
ous …的 synchronous 同步的
asynchronous 非同时、异步
ion 表名词
gest 带来
ure 表行为 gesture n.手势/v.做手势,用手势表示
second millisecond n.毫秒,千分之一
solut 松开 resolution n.决议,再次决定,有决心
pro 向前
file 纱线 profile n.概述、印象、简介
profiling n.资料搜集/v.概述
cell 小房子
ar cellar n.地窖,地下室
valu 价值
ate 表动词 evaluate v.评估;评价
let booklet n.小册子
chemist 化学家
ry …学 chemistry n.化学
depend 依靠
able …的 dependable adj.可靠的
de 加强
termin 界限
e 加强界限 determine v.查明、限定
para 辅助
meter 计量 parameter n.参数,范围,决定因素

nest 鸟巢,鸟窝/v.筑巢
tradeoff n.权衡、协调,交易,交换
interval n.间隔,间隙
forwarding 转发,货运代理
gecko n.壁虎
minimum adj. 最小的/n.最小值
mutation n.突变、变异
observer n.观察者模式
raw adj.生的,未经烹制的
brew n.冲泡、沏、煮
prune n.干梅子/v.打权、裁减
material n.材料、实际的
accompany v.陪同
clerk n.职员
conductor n.指挥、列车长、售票员
owe v.欠债
semester n.学期

词根 deep
deep adj.深的、低沉的、深奥的
deepen vt.使加深;使强烈;使低沉/vi.变沉;更低沉
deepen the reform 深化改革
the need to conceal the mourning deepened grief

cottage n.村舍、小屋
cot 婴儿床
I was halfway back to cottage
We’ve got you a lovely little cottage on Spencer Hill

gardener n.园丁,花匠,园艺爱好者
garden n.花园

The lawn hasn’t been moved. I’ve had it. We are getting a real gardener.
They can hire a gardener to do the work

词根 cent 唱
incentive n.刺激;鼓励;激励

Awards provide an incentive for young people to improve their skills

词根 avi 鸟
aviation n.航空,航空学,飞机制造业

With the development of aviation, the relations between nations become closer

词根 nerv 神经
nerve n.神经、勇敢、胆量;厚颜

have nerve 有勇气
get on one’s nerves 惹某人心烦
lose one’s nerve 失去勇气

there are close one million nerve fibers that connect the eyeball to the brain
连接眼球和大脑的细胞有接近 100 万个
Mum’s chatter often gets on his nerves

词根 loc 地点
locate vi 定位、定居 vt 探明、找出、安置
locate in 在某一点设置;在…定居;坐落于
The university is located in a quite community

saint n.圣人;圣徒

After he died, the Church declared him a saint.

collaboration n.合作;勾结;通敌

There is substantial collaboration with neighboring departments

boarder 住宿生

词根 cell 密室,狭窄的空间
The box of papers had been stored in a cellar at the family home.

awkward adj.笨拙的;尴尬的;难操纵的

We are in some sort of an awkward position.

词根 broch 刺;缝
brochure n. 小册子

Please send me a copy of your company brochure.

vain adj. 徒劳的;自负的;

be vain of
be vain about 为…自负
in vain 徒劳、无效

a lot of effort is made in vain.
I was singing in a vain effort to cheer him up.

battalion n.军队;军营

He joined the second battalion of the Grenadier Guards.

campus culture 校园文化
enterprise image 企业形象
heterogenous culture 异质文化
run out of 用完;耗尽
part with 放弃,交出,卖掉
look to 指望、依靠、展望
out of stock 无现货
May Fourth Movement 五四运动
air conditioner 空调
die out 逐渐消亡;灭绝
emancipate people’s minds 解放思想
strike off 砍掉;把…除名
member of a standing committee 常务委员

词根 tein 保持
protein n.蛋白质

protein-rich food 富含蛋白质的食物
Participating restaurants must promise to offer at least one children’s meal that has fewer than 600 calories, no soft drinks and at least two items from the following food groups: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein or low-fat dairy
参与的餐厅必须承诺提供至少一种儿童食物,这种儿童食物热量少于 600 卡路里,不包含饮料并且至少从以下食物组合中选择两项:水果,蔬菜,全谷类食物,瘦肉蛋白或低脂乳品

词根 mens 计算、测量
dimension n.尺寸;面积;方面;特点;规模;范围
The forest fire rapidly assumed great dimensions because of the high wind

horizon n.地平线;眼界,见识

broaden one’s horizon 开阔眼界
on the horizon 即将发生

The sun poked over the horizon

try vt.试图;试验;审判 vi.尝试,努力;n.努力
He was tried taking a bribe 他因受贿被审讯

damp adj.潮湿的,微湿的;n.潮湿;vt.抑制
damp down 减弱,抑制

He knew how to damp the flaming fire down.
Today is damp, cold and miserable

buckle n.搭扣,扣环/vt.扣住;使弯曲;vt.用搭扣扣紧;(被)压垮、压弯
buckle up 系上安全带
buckle down 开始认真从事;倾全力
The plane will take off soon, please buckle up your seat belts.

ingredient n.组成部分,成分;原料;要素、因素

handful n.一把,少数,一小撮
a handful of 一把;少量的
In 1993, few corporations had a web page, and slightly a handful allowed one to order product or services online.
1993 年时,很少有公司拥有自己的网站。而只有几个公司允许人们通过网络下单或购买服务
She scooped up a handful of sand and let it trickle through her fingers.

deficit n.赤字,亏空,亏损
a budget deficit 预算赤字
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 多动症评估
This year’s profits have balanced last year’s trade deficit.

pool vt.共有;n.水塘;游泳池;共有物
pool out efforts 共同努力
together out efforts 共同努力
The girl has no choice but to dive into the pool

bold adj.大胆的
bold goals attract bold people 大胆的目标吸引大胆的人
She knew she had to make a bold move to fully to her new future.

restrain v.阻止;控制

compendium n.事实、概要
Compendium of Materia Medica 本草纲目

demo 人民;cracy 统治
democracy n.民主,民主制;民主国家

As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy.

guard n.守卫;护卫队、vi.保卫、监视
guard against 防止;提防
on guard 警惕;站岗
catch someone off guard 使人措手不及;
He said the Coast Guard should have a plan to respond to problems that may arise.
These is no one to guard these isolated farms against attack.

fall vi.落下;突然;来到/n.秋天;崩溃
fall back on 借助于,依靠
fall behind 落后,落在…后面
fall for 受…的骗;迷恋

session n.会议、一场
Several bills were enacted at the end of this session of Parliament

confident adj.坚信的,自信的
In recent years the capital’s culinary scene has developed to the point that it is now confident of its ability to please the tastes of any international visitor.

vers = to turn
conversion n.转换、变换
The warehouse was undergoing conversion into apartments

tain = to hold
container n.集装箱;容器
She trickled the water into container